Now that the methodology has been completed, we can move on to the next section of AAA, working with youth workers. The first activity will be focused on the development of a handbook to systematise and further disseminate the methodology.
It will: promote awareness across Europe and beyond on the nefarious psychological and socioeconomic effects of ableism; present and reflect on the process of development of this methodology, demonstrating the importance of the active political engagement of people with disabilities; present the proposals that arose during that process in terms of strategies, activities and practices to promote the social and political participation in this context; and it will define guidelines for the replication of the methodology so that it can be used to promote the political participation of differently abled citizens by institutions across the world.
The second activity will focus on the development of the In-Service Training Activism Against Ableism for youth workers. This training aims to prepare youth workers to implement this methodology with their beneficiaries. It will be based on the experience of creating the methodology and on the handbook itself, creating innovative and appealing resources that can be used by partner/associated organisations, the institutions part of the European and national networks and all who may be interested. These materials will be made available in the project’s website.
The third activity will be a LTTA in Greece next year in which this In-service training programme will be implemented with youth workers. This LTTA will be a workshop throughout three days. All materials will be afterwards translated in the specific partner languages.