The Activist Against Ableism project resources In this section we present the results produced for the AAA project with the AAA community. These are freely available for download in various languages and are freely available. Handbook Activism Against Ableism for youth workers_EN Handbook Activism Against Ableism for youth workers_PT Handbook Activism Against Ableism for youth workers_GR Handbook Activism Against Ableism for youth workers_DE Handbook Activism Against Ableism for youth workers_IT Handbook Activism Against Ableism for youth workers_ES In-Service Training Programme English In-Service Training Programme Portuguese In-Service Training Programme Greek In-Service Training Programme Deutsch In-Service Training Programme Italian In-Service Training Programme Spanish Methodology to promote the political participation of differently abled_EN Methodology to promote the political participation of differently abled_PT Methodology to promote the political participation of differently abled_GR Methodology to promote the political participation of differently abled_DE Methodology to promote the political participation of differently abled_IT Methodology to promote the political participation of differently abled_ES